
Software, sensors, and CoreFinder patented technology provide automation across the workflow from set-up to shutdown to ensure consistency, save time and improve the accuracy of results. The interface is designed with ribbon tabs that logically organize features to make them rapidly accessible. An experiment-centric approach makes the software easy to teach, learn, and use.

Software wizards include step-wise workflows that guide users through start up, multicolor compensation, sorting, and system cleaning. Since the system simplifies even advanced sorting techniques, it can be used by researchers with little sorting experience.

System Startup

Upon start up, the system initialization includes diagnostics that ensure all subsystems are properly working. Once verified, the system status and a green ready message are displayed on the LCD monitor on the front of the instrument.

system start up

The LCD monitor on the front of the SH800 displays status information during operation.

Initial Instrument Set-up, Precision Alignment, and Calibrations

The set up wizard guides researchers through the process of loading a sorting chip, selecting lasers, and inserting the optical filters required.

Fluidics Check

When complete, the fluidics check starts, and sheath fluid droplets appear from the tip of the sample probe. If needed, de-bubble and sample line cleaning wizards can be run. Once complete, the auto calibration screen is displayed.

Alignment and Calibrations

The system automatically and precisely aligns the sorting chip to the lasers, calibrates the droplets, and side streams and estimates the drop delay using AutoSetup beads.

alignment and calibrations

Automatic calibration performs precise measurements using the side stream monitor. The software displays progress and status at each stage of calibration.

chip information

The QR code on the packaging is scanned to identify the chip information, including nozzle size.

sorting chip

The sorting chip is easy to load.

insert optical filters

To further simplify set-up, the Fluorochrome Detection Matrix screen displays where to insert optical filters.

Experiment Settings

Users can create an experiment by selecting a new template, a recent experiment, or a shared template (public) from the Experiment window. If a new template is selected, dialogs guide the user to choose experiment settings such as sample groups, tubes, and pulse parameters for data acquisition. Once a template is selected, the user can start the acquisition or compensation wizard.

window displays the experiment structure

Selecting a template or a recent experiment on the left of the window displays the experiment structure on the right.

Data Analysis and Display

Data is displayed as dot plots and histograms on worksheets, and events can be marked using gates. The software has a number of tools to select, adjust, label, and measure statistics of target populations. Data can be easily exported as FCS formats (3.0 or 3.1 ) to use with third party analysis software.

visualization and statistics tools for analysis

The Experiments tab provides easy access to all lists of previous experiments as well as visualization and statistics tools for analysis.


Once events are gated on plots, targeted cells can be sorted for further analysis. Sort control is managed in a simple dialog where settings and configurations are selected. The SH800S supports a variety of sorting methods and vessels including 2-way tubes, 8-well strips, slides, and 6-, 12-, 24-, 48-, 96- and 384-well plates.

The system supports eight sorting modes to provide different levels of purity (including single-cell mode) and yield to enable optimal results. In addition, the software provides an assisted mode for large cells to improve sorting performance. Three sorting chip sizes (70 μm, 100 μm and 130 μm) are available to accommodate a range of cell sizes and applications.

Sorting settings and sort status

Sorting settings and sort status are easily accessed and customized.

System Maintenance

The SH800S software uses wizards to guide users to perform routine tasks such as fluidics cleaning for aseptic sorting and parts maintenance.