Spectral Flow Cytometry for Deeper Insights

Webinar On-Demand. Photo of researcher in white coat analyzing data on a computer display.

Presented by SelectScience

Spectral flow cytometers introduced by Sony enable the use of a wider variety of fluorochrome combinations than previously possible with traditional non-spectral systems. The ID7000™ spectral analyzer is the newest addition to the Sony portfolio. The system can be configured with up to seven lasers to simplify high-parameter experiments and streamline multicolor workflows.

Join us in this educational webinar to review the basic principles of spectral flow cytometry and understand how users of all expertise levels can easily design panels for high-parameter experiments to achieve a greater depth of information. This webinar will highlight how spectrally adjacent fluorochromes, fluorescent proteins, and fluorochromes excited by multiple lasers can be easily incorporated into a panel when using Sony spectral systems.

In this webinar, you will also:

Who should attend

This webinar will provide insights to researchers who want to learn about spectral flow cytometry and develop panels for maximum flexibility in routine applications and high-parameter experiments.

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Dr. Greg Veltri
Director of Biological Sciences and Business Development
Sony Biotechnology