Using spectral flow cytometry for next generation cell analysis

Spectral flow cytometry is transforming the field of single-cell analysis by addressing the need for high-dimensional immunophenotyping in basic and translational research. It has evolved over recent years from a little-used technique into a technology that has been widely adopted by individual labs and core facilities all over the world.

The Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) Core Facility at Aarhus University in Denmark provides cell analysis and sorting services to both the university and external institutions. Founded in 2010 by the Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology and the Department of Human Genetics—with support from the Faculty of Health—it is ranked in the top eight core facilities in the world. The facility has been recognized by the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry for following international best practices.

The facility is equipped with a variety of state-of-the-art cell sorters and flow cytometers, including an ID7000™ spectral cell analyzer from Sony Biotechnology for high-parameter full spectrum flow cytometry. Charlotte Christie Petersen, manager of the FACS Core Facility, explained why the team made the decision to expand its cell analysis capabilities with this spectral flow cytometry technology. “We are a shared resource laboratory for the entire university, and see around 250 separate users annually from across at least eight different university departments, as well as private companies. They all require a diverse selection of protocols spanning everything from very simple green fluorescent protein analysis to highly complex immune phenotyping. We chose the ID7000 analyzer from Sony because we are seeing an increasing demand for multiparameter data analysis and autofluorescence from many of our users.”

The highly sensitive ID7000 platform provides comprehensive information about heterogeneous, dim, and rare cell populations, and can be configured with up to seven lasers and 186 detectors. The configuration flexibility enables researchers to perform experiments using 44 colors, ranging from deep ultraviolet (320 nm) to infrared (808 nm). The system’s detection capabilities also allow the expansion of multicolor panels to keep pace with future fluorochrome development. Charlotte continued: “This cytometer makes it possible to perform high-parameter experiments with ease. For example, we are already running 20 parameters simultaneously, and we have users working on setting up panels with 40 different markers at the same time. Running full spectrum flow cytometry also allows us to unmix colors that are very similar to each other.”

Charlotte concluded: “We have certainly gained a lot from introducing this technology and method to our core facility. The emerging trend within cell sorting and analysis is definitely spectral flow cytometry, due to the many benefits it holds over traditional approaches. Aarhus University is continuously working to stay at the forefront of scientific research and innovation, and so adopting the latest cell analysis technologies continues to be a top priority for us.”

Photo of Charlotte Petersen, MSc, PhD
Charlotte Christie Petersen, MSc, PhD
The FACS Core Facility
The Skou Building
Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 10
Aarhus University