High-Dimensional High-Throughput Rare Event Immunophenotyping on the ID7000™ Spectral Cell Analyzer

Webinar On-Demand. Photo of two researchers discussing data on a computer display next to an ID7000 spectral cell analyzer.

Presented by FluoroFinder

The ID7000™ spectral cell analyzer is ideal for high-dimensional flow cytometry. More lasers and many more detectors mean more fluorochromes can be resolved in combination. At 42 colors, the marker resolution is sufficient to support either directed hierarchical gating or undirected clustering algorithms. In addition, the ID7000 AutoSampler provides high-throughput analysis with better sample integrity, less sample waste, essentially zero carryover, and walk-away automation. These high-dimensional high-throughput capabilities combine to make the ID7000 exceptional for rare event screening. Populations smaller than 0.1% of total events were discerned with clear agreement between the results obtained by hierarchical gating and the clustering algorithm.

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Who should attend

This webinar will provide insights for researchers who want to learn how spectral technology, such as that on the ID7000, can increase flexibility when using greater than 20 markers in multicolor flow cytometry experiments.

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Photo of Jeff Clapper

Jeff Clapper
Senior Field Applications Scientist
Sony Biotechnology Inc.

Jeff Clapper has been serving the flow cytometry community for more than 35 years in various roles from academic research to instrument sales and marketing. He is currently performing a dual role as the sales representative and field applications scientist for Sony Biotechnology Inc. in the Maryland area.